November 10 2021 – Wendy Oliver

Honeywrap and Forest & Bird Partnership!
Honeywrap is thrilled to be partnering with Forest & Bird for the fourth Year in a row!
Honeywrap is passionate about reducing the amount of plastic on our planet – our amazing beeswax wraps are a sustainable, natural, reusable alternative to plastic for food storage. They are made in new Zealand from certified organic cotton and natural ingredients. Simply WRAP, RINSE & REPEAT.
Honeywrap’s owner Wendy Oliver believes: “It is about making a difference. We love partnering with charities and organisations and supporting the awesome work they do to protect nature and our wildlife. Making a difference is in our ethos and what we are all about”.
Each year Honeywrap releases limited-edition beeswax wraps featuring endangered birds to help Forest & Bird to raise awareness of our native birds, their habitats , and the treats they face. This year Honeywrap released the beautiful Bird of the Year wrap featuring the endangered Whio – Blue Duck and $1 from each wrap goes to Forest & Bird.
“We are proud to use our voice to support Forest & Bird, and to inspire people to care about our environment and amazing New Zealand birds.”